Welcome to the Exopaedia
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The Exopaedia intends to provide information on all matters extraterrestrial. It focuses on those new
scientific disciplines - collectively called 'exosciences' - that deal with extraterrestrial matters. These include
exopolitics, exobiology,
exosociobiology, et.al..
In a first stage, however, exopolitical topics are given higher priority. (For the simple reason that more information
was readily available, since its predecessor, the HyperBase, contained more exopolitical information).
Important announcements
Stop using Google for exopolitical and ufological research, as it is largely blacklisting the topic. Since 2021, it has become virtually impossible to find any decent information relating to ufology and exopolitics. Apparently, in one sweeping generalization, the entire field has been labeled conspiracy and pseudo-science. Many sites have been blacklisted altogether. The results for others, like the Exopaedia, are ranked substantially lower than they used to be. Take, e.g., a search for blue-skinned aliens. Up until late 2020, the Exopaedia would come up as the first result. It still does on search engines like Bing, DuckDuckGo, StartPage, etc., but currently only appears as the 40th result on Google.
Copyright: It has come to my attention that there are websites out there that have shamelessly copied the contents of the Exopaedia, without giving any credits. These websites put up a vague 'Fair Use' notice, and then just pretend that they have written the material. That is not acceptable. You may notice that the copright notice at the bottom of the pages explicitly says All Rights Reserved. Fair use does NOT give you the right to republish this information on your own website or to redistribute it, and definitely not to pretend that it is yours. Adding one or two sentences to each topic does not change that. Fair use only gives you the right to make a copy for personal use for purposes such as research. It does not give you the right to republish or redistribute. If you are going to copy the text of an item, include a URL to the original topic here!
To find information, just use the search box, the advanced search, or the alphabetical index (in the top menu). Or start from one of the links on this page.
The Exopaedia was launced in August 2008, and is the successor to the Hyperbase. It uses custom written software, and as of August 2012 it is no longer in BETA stage. It now includes the ability to integrate multimedia (video, audio, etc.).
We need your help! We are looking for people to contribute information, to help program the interfaces, etc. I have a list of several dozens of UFO related documents, more than 70 contactees, and over 100 ufologists / researchers that I still want to add. And that's just the top of the iceberg. More information is available on the Get Involved page.
News and Updates
13 January 2024: I removed the outdated statistics, as well as the information about advertising on the Exopaedia.
16 October 2023: The Exopaedia was moved to a new host that is faster and more reliable.
February 2023: I have finally started working on the Exopaedia again.