Exopolitics is a new scientific discipline that focuses on the political aspects of interactions with extraterrestrial life. It studies the key individuals, institutions and political processes that are associated with extraterrestrial life in general, as well as, more specifically, those associated with the extraterrestrial presence here on Earth. It therefore belongs to the political sciences.
Definitions of Exopolitics
Early definitions
- Michael Salla, founder of the Exopolitics Institute, gives two, complementary, definitions:
- Exopolitics is the study of the key individuals, institutions and political processes associated with extraterrestrial life.
- Exopolitics is the study of the political implications of the extraterrestrial presence on Earth.
- Alfred Webre first used the word exopolitics and describes it as "the study of political process and governance in interstellar society."
- Steve Bassettuses the term 'Exopolitics' in 4 different meanings:
- the art or science of government as concerned with guiding or influencing governmental policy toward extraterrestrial-related phenomena and extraterrestrial beings.
- exopolitical actions, practices, or policies.
- the exopolitical opinions or sympathies of a person.
- the total complex of relations between the human race and non-human, intelligent beings.
- The Wiktionary defines 'exopolitics' as the art or science of government as concerned with creating or influencing policy toward extraterrestrial phenomena and extraterrestrial beings.
- Wikipedia: until April 2008: Exopolitics, a speculative branch of political science, is the study of possible contact and relations between humanity and extraterrestrial civilizations. (*) Since January 2009 Exopolitics is defined as the hypothetical study of political relations between humans and extraterrestrial civilizations.
(*) Incomprehensibly, between April 2008 and January 2009 the wikipedia censored articles on exopolitics. The topic itself had even been removed.
Michael Salla
Steve Bassett
Paola Harris
Ed Komarek
Scott Jones
Current definitions
In October 2009 a number of people involved in exopolitics organised some brainstorming sessions in which the different meanings and usages of the word 'exopolitics' were explored and mapped. [The following people participated in the brainstorming sessions: Come Carpentier (India); Neil Gould (Hong Kong); Paola Harris, M.Ed.(USA/Italy); Robert Fleischer (Germany); Manuel Lamiroy, Lic. Juris (South Africa); Pepón Jover del Pozo, M.Sc. (Spain); Michael Salla, Ph.D. (USA/Australia); Victor Viggiani, M.Ed. (Canada)].
It became clear that 'exopolitics' was being used in 3 distinct meanings:
- as a scientific discipline
- as a worldwide movement
- as a new paradigm
What all meanings have in common, is that they all deal with the implications of extraterrestrial life.
So, the nutshell version is that exopolitics deals with the implications of extraterrestrial life.
Using this concept map as a basis, consensus was reached on a formal and an informal definition.
Informal definition:
Exopolitics is the convergence of a new interdisciplinary science, an international political movement and a new paradigm, which all deal with the wide range of implications of extraterrestrial life.
Formal definition:
Exopolitics is an interdisciplinary scientific field, with its roots in the political sciences, that focuses on research, education and public policy with regard to the actors, institutions and processes, associated with extraterrestrial life, as well as the wide range of implications this entails through public advocacy and newly emerging paradigms.
Exopolitics movement and activism
The Exopolitics Institute mentions as its goals:
- To promote research into the key actors, institutions and processes associated with evidence of an extraterrestrial presence.
- To promote awareness and understanding of all evidence concerning different extraterrestrial races; and their impact on social, economic, cultural and political processes.
- To promote peaceful cooperation with extraterrestrials that evidence suggests are aligned with the advancement of global peace, human empowerment, and human sovereignty.
- To prepare humanity for open interaction with extraterrestrials whose existence is supported by credible evidence.
- Assist in public dissemination of technologies that evidence suggests is extraterrestrial in origin.
- To promote full public disclosure through an accelerated release of all evidence concerning an extraterrestrial presence in terms of history, agreements, technologies and activities.
A grassroots movement has emerged that focuses on exopolitical activism. The above mentioned goals also describe the activities of exopolitical activists rather well.
Apart from the Exopolitics Institute, and its founder Michael Salla, the most prominent activists are Steve Basset, Ed Komarek, and Scott Jones
Country initiatives: see networks below.
The most prolific / prominent authors in the field of exopolitics at present are:
- Michael Salla published two books, Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence (Dandelion Books, 2004), and Exposing U.S. Government Policies on Extraterrestrial Life: The Challenge of Exopolitics (Exopolitics Institute, 2009). He also wrote numerous articles that can be found on his web site.
- Paola Harris wrote three books on exopolitics: Connecting the Dots, Exopolitics: how do you speak to a ball of light? and Exopolitics: all of the above. Her web site, as well, contains numerous articles.
- Ed Komarek publishes articles frequently on his exopolitics blog.
Web sites
Authors' web sites
- Michael Salla: Exopolitics.org
- Paola Harris: www.paolaharris.com
- Ed Komarek: Exopolitics.blogspot.com
- Exopolitics Institute Network: includes links to web sites of people and organizations who are active in Exopolitics.
- Exopolitics World Network: includes links to Exopolitics organizations in various countries.