
Most popular pages

These are the pages that get the highest amount of visitors.

Overall statistics since 2010.

# Topic Prev. Views
1 Sirius 1 85,975
2 Extraterrestrial Civilizations 2 80,922
3 Blue-skinned aliens 3 73,172
4 Andromeda 4 58,705
5 Lyra 6 50,600
6 Humanoid Galactic History 5 49,593
7 Orion Wars 7 46,304
8 Pleiades 8 39,008
9 Starseeds 9 37,576
10 Orion 14 28,108
11 Draco 5 28,005
12 Yellow Book 11 26,006
13 Greys 13 25,008
14 Vega 12 25,005
15 Earth's Galactic History 17 24,092
16 Arcturus 14 23,003
17 Koldas 16 23,000
18 Orion Empire 18 19,003
19 Ectom 20 19,003
20 Federation of Planets 19 19,000

Statistics for the last year (April 2017-April 2018)

# Topic Previous Views
1 Sirius 1 10,650
2 Extraterrestrial Civilizations 2 7,281
3 Blue-skinned aliens 3 6,781
4 Andromeda 4 5,803
5 Lyra 6 5,733
6 Orion Wars 7 5,536
7 Humanoid Galactic History 5 5,062
8 Starseeds 9 4,384
9 Pleiades 8 4,005
10 Crystal Knight Project - 3,985
11 Abductions - 3,907
12 Exopolitics - 3,562
13 Orion 14 3,405
14 Contactees 3,058
15 Sigma Project 2,863
16 Lyran Cat-people 2,787
17 Earth's Galactic History 17 2,728
18 Galactic Lore 2,560
19 Blonds 2,475
20 Lanulos 2,439


Most frequently used search terms

People enter search terms in search engines (like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.) and then end up at the Exopaedia. These are the most commonly used search terms.

Keywords entered in search engines between March 2010 - April 2018.

1 Xendra
2 Exopaedia
3 MK-Delta
4 Starseeds
5 Orion Empire
6 Sirius
7 Orion Wars
8 Galactic War
9 J-Rod
10 Ciakar
11 Project Pandora
12 Horlocks
13 Project Lotus
14 Blue alien
15 Korendor
16 Richard Doty
17 Ianulos
18 Breakaway Civilizations
19 Yellow Book
20 Alec Newald